I've been ambushed! Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. I was tagged by my sister-in-law and now I am supposed to write about 7 things I love then ambush 7 other blogs. I don't think I know 7 other
bloggers (my S-I-L already ambushed some of my
besties) so I'll tag a few friends and a few of my favorite blogs that seem friendly enough to play along.
Hmm... seven things I love. I had to think about this one a while.
1) My husband. Cliche or not, he really is my best friend. I tell him everything and he makes me laugh like no one else - and I'm sure our odd sense of humor only amuses the two of us. Oh, and I think he's a total cutie :)
2) My friends. There are a few lovely ladies in my life that I couldn't do without. Spending time with them makes my life richer. We take on projects together, we have discussions and we truly encourage each other to learn and grow... but we also love to unwind and be
girly sometime too. When I met the hubby, I married into a wonderful group of friends. They have embraced me and I am honored to say they are now my friends too. On top of all that, I have been extremely fortunate in the workplace. Over the past few years I have worked in 3 offices and in each office I met new people and made new friends.
3) My family. I have a big, crazy family: 2 parents, 1 step-dad, 2 parents-in-law, 2 step-sisters, 1 sister-in-law, 4 grandparents, 4 grandparents-in-law, 5 aunts, 6 uncles and 10 first cousins - not to mention all the other in-laws, step-family and new spouses of my generation! My family covers the entire spectrum: creative, intellectual, liberal, conservative, Southern, Northern, outgoing, shy, old, young. A fairly large group lives in the Raleigh area so there is no shortage of family in my life!
4) My pets. I have 2 cats, Pop-Tart (female, 2 years) and Yo-Yo (male, 1 year). They are so quirky and hilarious - anyone that says cats don't have personalities will change their mind after meeting mine! One of my long-term goals is to become a 'crazy cat lady' - if I could provide a loving home for every stray cat in the world, believe me I would. Nothing makes me sadder than homeless/abandoned pets.
5) My photos. I don't claim to be a talented photographer, but I still enjoy documenting the world around me. I have 2 nice cameras (1 film, 1 digital) and I have taken a photography course, so I hope to keep learning about the process. I leave the big events to professionals, but I always keep my point-and-shoot in my purse in case something catches my eye!
6) My travels. I absolutely love traveling to new places. I enjoy absorbing new culture, music, art and food. For me traveling provides an opportunity for lots of reading, napping, taking pictures and reconnecting with my husband. I have a list of cities that I want to visit (national and international), and I love feeling the satisfaction of crossing items off the list.
7) My future. As happy as I am now, I know great things are just around the corner for me. Over the past decade I have worked hard to provide myself with a good future. Even if the architecture market implodes (fingers crossed it won't!) I am certain a design education will take me far in life. The hubby and I are
diligently getting our ducks in a row to buy a home and someday fill it with babies, love and laughter.
And for the ambush! I chose:
2 Little Monkeys,
Darling Dexter,
Drawn Along,
heartthrobs & villains,
Old Sweet Song,
The d is before the n,
for me, for you. As I said, these are some of my favorite blogs - check 'em out!
[EDIT: Yes, I realize this is a little silly, and reminiscent of a chain letter, but I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the
bloggers I so thoroughly enjoy.]