My ideal bed is:
-king sized
-light colored wood or fabric
-platform style with under-bed storage
TRAGEDY #1: Ikea doesn't even sell king beds. Apparently wanting an enormous bed on which to wallow is not 'minimal.'
TRAGEDY #2: The only platform storage models I can find are black or espresso, which I think will be too dark and heavy. In the end I would rather have looks over storage.
I've been searching through some favorite blogs to try to find inspiration photos to share with you, but nothing is quite right. I like the quirky aesthetic - lots of rich texture, vintage and handmade pieces, sort of eclectic. The bed will be the first piece of furniture we buy new - and we plan on slowly replacing most of our stuff - so we have some freedom with styles because we will eventually build the room around it. The only piece that will stay long term are a MCM style wood chair and my antique vanity (more about that later). To quote the great Stacy London "it doesn't have to match, it just has to go."
First up we have the Wood Contenders: warm, inviting and more economical.
(left to right - Rooms to Go, Crate & Barrel, Room & Board)

(clockwise from top left: Room & Board, Haverty's, Crate & Barrel, Crate & Barrel)

Last we have this guy out of left field. Metal wasn't even in the scope of my search, but I sort of love how the headboard disappers. Also it would allow for lots of light because our headboard has to go in front of the bedroom's only window.
So what do you guys think? I would love to hear your feedback.
* It's a word, I swear.
I am very much impressed by your blog, you can find more Wood Bedroom Furniture that suites your budget.
Be careful what you wish for. We bought a king size and as much as we love to travel, we almost regret leaving home cause there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. Especially when it's a king sized pillow-top mattress with 600-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. The only reason we get out of it each day is so we can pay for the house that shelters the bed. Push comes to shove, you can always design your own bed and have it made.
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