Art You Can Vacuum - Part 3

Now it's time for Part 3, which is mostly many gratuitous photos of my latest art project.

I inserted the cylinders into my boards and secured them with some plain old Elmer's glue.

After the glue was dry I added a self-nailing picture hanger to each board, which cost me $3 for a pack of 4. I used picture hooks, which I already owned, on the wall to hang the boards.

Aren't they marvelous?

This is the gratuitous photos segment I warned you about.

I think the texture of the carpet adds an interesting element to wall art. Definitely not something you see everyday.

Here they are at night, illuminated by lamp light. Usually the hubby's reaction to my DIY endeavors is "Eh, it's nice" but this he really likes. He even said "It looks really cool, with the shadows and stuff." Coming from him, that's a HUGE compliment.

as usual, cat provided for scale

What do you think?

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