I'm Outta Here!
Anywhoo, I'll be spending today, Friday and Saturday at Merlefest and Sunday I'm going to Belmont to represent Carolina Pear at a bridal show. Normally I subscribe to the motto "don't tell the internet when you go out of town" but in this case I'm not worried. 1) Hubby's not coming with me so the house isn't unattended. 2) If you stalkers can successfully find little old me in the giant crowds at Merlefest, you should join the FBI because you've got tracking skills.
Of course, I'd love to see lots of people at the bridal show so if you're in the Reidsville, NC area Sunday morning come on by! We'll have some note cards for sale so even if you're not a bride-to-be you can find some good stuff at our booth.
Catch you on the flip side!
Thrifty Finds In Unexpected Places
Even though I've been working my fingers to the bone (folder)* I'm never too busy to snag a good deal when I see one.
*See what I did there? I'm so clever.
Case in point: I was at my local bulk sales warehouse, buying tubs of baby formula when I saw the perfect coat: a knee-length, lightweight Kenneth Cole trench coat for $20. I know, right? The coat came in a variety of colors, but I picked red because it would be good for Wolfpack tailgates. Plus, wouldn't it be fun to be the girl in the red rain coat on a dreary day? I thought so.
Next, I have to show you my new sunglasses. I was out picking up supplies for Carolina Pear when I spotted these at Office Depot. Yes, Office Depot. I saw them on my way out the door and I actually stopped in my tracks, yanked them off the display and got back in line to pay for them. Total impulse purchase, but I love them so.
They're just what I needed. I love vintage looking glasses as much as the next hipster wanna-be girl, but unfortunately most retro styles are too big for my tiny little head. I've actually been lucky enough to find small-ish aviators not once, but twice. Sadly the first pair broke and the second pair ended up lost in a creek during a camping trip. *sob* So, knowing my track record I'm going to be extra careful with these. I rather like how they look on me.
Pardon my hair, and my language, but it is humid as shit here. There's no point in trying to make it look decent. Tragically, in the South, humid as shit is a regularly occurring meteorological condition and there's nothing I can do about it. Well I could move, but until they build a Bojangle's in the desert, I'm staying put. Mama likes her biscuits.
This little green jacket is my latest find. I was scouring thrift stores for plates/bowls/cake stands to use as display pieces for an upcoming bridal show when I happened to see the jacket. I wasn't even looking at clothes, but someone had just happened to hang it on the end of a rack and the bright green called to me.
Now, I know finding a jacket at a clothing thrift store isn't unexpected but for $4.50 it's still a heck of a bargain. I just love the fabric-covered toggle buttons. Although if the humidity keeps up - and it will - I won't get to wear it for a while.
Closet Re-Do On The Cheap

My New Best Friend

Little Black (MOH) Dress
I know every bride tells you "you can totally where this again!" but I really will wear this again.
It's an adorable little dress from Old Navy, with an adorable little $35 price tag. Can't beat a $35 bridesmaid dress, right? Between the ruffles, deep v-neck and eyelet fabric I can see myself wearing this to brunch, parties or even work - if I ever get another job.
That's right ladies, I can fit into a medium! Granted, it's Old Navy so their sizes are all over the place, BUT it's a medium and I don't care.
What A Crock!
I went to the store to buy the crock, when I found myself in a dilemma: do I save money and buy the simple ceramic crock or do I buy one of the fancy stainless steel utensil caddies. It's amazing how many options you have for organizing your spoons and spatulas. You can get a caddy that spins, a caddy that pivots, a divided caddy and a caddy with a built-in spoonrest. Seriously. This will hardly surprise you, but I decided to buy the cheap one and do some quick and dirty DIY to make it work better for me.