Recently I decided that I needed some bookends for my shelf. After some price-shopping I found that interesting bookends cost about $60 per pair. That was more of an investment than I was willing to make. So I set out to make my own bookends that reflected my own interests.

The materials are simple and inexpensive. First I bought acrylic box frames, costing $2 each, easily found at most craft stores. These provide a sturdy frame and a sleek aesthetic. However, they alone are not heavy enough to support books. So I filled the white box inside the acrylic frame with glass floral rocks, also found at most craft stores. Obviously anything small and heavy would work for this - marbles, sand, etc. Last I inserted my pictures.

This is a great way to display family pictures, postcards or other mementos. This also is a cute alternative for table numbers or names at seated dinner events like wedding receptions.