After some thought my initial idea was that I wanted a simple, all-black watch. Nothing too flashy or attention grabbing. These two fit the bill, and at just under $100 each the price seemed reasonable.

While I was browsing The O, I found this red and tan watch that was nothing like I was looking for, but fun none the less.

Still, the red and tan didn't seem very practical for daily wear. I popped over to Fossil and found this S+ARCK collection which was to die for. Sleek, modern, architecty (it's a word) - what more could a girl want? Oh yeah, a smaller price tag. Admittedly $150 is not an outrageous amount of money to spend on a watch, but it's more than I have at the moment.

Realizing I needed to reign it in a bit, I decided to check Amazon to see if they had anything interesting. While not the most original watch in the world, I couldn't help but be charmed by the simple form (and $10 price tag) of this utilitarian Casio.
So readers, what would you choose? Simple black, fun red or high design? Or would you just get the Casio and save your money for a splurge down the road? Let me know!
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