The Beach, In Pictures

I've already told you about my coastal thrifting* adventure but now I'm back to show you the actual beach stuff, as told through pictures. The hubby, Luke and I stayed at my grandparents' condo with my mom and step-dad. Luke slept in a twin bed for the first time (and rocked it out) but preferred the pool to the ocean, we visited the aquarium, my step-sister's boyfriend took us out on his boat, and there was much lazing about taking place. It was wonderful. Now, to the photos...

*My iPad autocorrected this to thrusting. That would be the perfect adventure to share on the blog, don't you think?

date night for the hubby's birthday :: summer wheat, convertible time, birthday crab legs, The Campaign
North Carolina Aquarium :: turtle rodeo, swimming turtle, jellyfish, so tall!
kite store beauty, sleeping in a big boy bed, mother daughter drinking, moody storm clouds
kite flying, juice box break (booze optional), writing in the sand, wrinkly pool feet
on a boat, part 1 :: marina, sunset, sunset, underbelly of a draw bridge
on a boat, part 2 :: not sure about boating, obligatory self-portrait, hubby, glamorous mom
squatting is the only way to sit in a tree, home of the shrimp burger, you are what you eat, bye bye beach
What have you been up to this summer?

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