My cardboard lids, before they were reborn as shoe shelves
Making sure the lid would fit on the shelf. It did.
Measuring where to make my cuts.
Using an x-acto and cutting mat, I made my cuts that would position the support structure.
Eye-balling where I wanted the shelf to hang.
When I said support structure I meant leftover ribbon and duct tape.
See, duct tape.
How I wanted the shelf to hang.
How the shelf actually hung. wop wop
After some adjustments, the shelf is behaving.
The back of the shelf sits flush against the wall, adding extra stability.
Taking shelf #1 for a test drive, making sure that the shelf holds weight and leaves room for shoes underneath. Check and check.
As usual, Yo-Yo provided quality control.
After a successful test drive I had to move all my shoes to the bedroom to make way for the "construction" and allow for the super fun organization. That's not sarcasm, I enjoyed that part.
Cutting lengths of ribbon and marking where the ribbon should hit the shelf - this ensured each shelf had equal spacing.
I tied the ribbons into pairs to organize (and cat proof) them, but don't they look sort of pretty? No, just me? Moving on.
I hung the rest of the shelves exactly the same way, so just look at the above pictures 5 more times. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Hooray! The shelves are done!
I know what you're thinking. "She said this project cost her $3, but so far she's only used free stuff!" Hold on, I'm getting to that. My old system didn't have a good way to store my handbags, so I figured I'd work on that too. I took some shower curtain rings (left by the previous owners of our house, so free) and bought some metal washers (the mysterious $3).
I threaded the washers onto the shower curtain rings to create hooks that would hang from the wire shelf over hubby's hanging rod. (If the knobs on the curtain rings were bigger I wouldn't have needed the washers, but they were small enough to slip between the wires. Doh!) Hello, handbag hooks!
AFTER: Now all of my shoes are out in the open, just begging to be worn. I grouped my shoes by type/occasion so I could easily find the perfect shoe for every outfit. Except I'm a girl, so I never feel like I have the perfect shoe for any outfit. *sigh*
All but 3 pairs fit on the narrow shelves (and adjacent hanging cubby thing). For the sake of over-organization, I pulled out my business-y heels and put them on the shelf above hubby's hanging rod, so now I have a little room to expand in the main section. I laid down some extra cardboard sheets for the heels to rest on. This serves two purposes: 1) it keeps the shoes from dropping dirt onto the clothes below, and 2) it keeps the skinny heels from constantly falling between the wires.
As a final touch, I arranged my handbags in color order. Would you expect anything less?
So that's my latest trash to treasure slightly better than trash adventure. What have you been up to?
good lord. you are a genius. shoe box lids AS shelves? how did you think of that?! I'm really glad you posted this - now you've got me thinking about how to make my wardrobe better (my current wardrobe is painfully smaller than my old one).