Going: North Carolina State Fair

I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was rushing through my day so I could spend some quality time with the hubby at the State Fair.

We took advantage of the Park & Ride system, which is a GODSEND. I hate, hate, hate fighting with traffic and searching for parking. I will gladly pay money for someone to drive me to and from the parking lot. Bonus: we went on 'Can Night' which means instead of paying for tickets, we each donated 4 cans of food to the local food bank. We get discounted admission and we do some good for those less fortunate. It's a win-win.
We arrived just as the sun was going down, so I snapped a few quick shots of some bright equipment against the sunset.
Of course, I had barely gotten my camera out when the hubby starts in with "So when should we eat?" which really means "I'm already hungry, but trying to be polite about it." I took the hint and we went in search of fair food. We found a corndog (or two) for me and a grilled turkey leg for the hubby and soon we were happy campers.

What can I say? The hubby likes to get down, caveman style.

We took a quick lap around the midway to do a little people watching and to enjoy the night air. After our walk we were ready for Fair Food: Round 2. I saw a sign for 'Hot Wisconsin Cheese' and knew I had to have some. You see, I have a great love for all things cheesey and the deep-fried variety is no exception.

We split a tray of cheddar nuggets, which my Wisconsin friend later identified as 'cheese curds.' I had never seen a curd before, and didn't think I wanted to based on the name, but they were much tastier than their moniker would imply.

To let the cheese settle we walked to the opposite side of the fairgrounds to see the prize winning rabbits in the livestock* exhibit. They had rabbits of all shapes, sizes and colors. My favorites were the ENORMOUS long-haired buck that was bigger than both of my cats combined. That rabbit could kick some serious ass, you know, if it weren't so cute.

So, having had our fill of fair food, we boarded the shuttle tired and happy, and just when I thought the evening couldn't get any better this little 4 year old girl made my night. She was sitting on her mom's lap, swinging her bag of cotton candy, when she starts singing "Apple bottom jeans... boots with the fur" and all I could do was laugh. Not a 'who does she think she is' snicker, but an 'oh my god, that kid is awesome' belly laugh. And then she smiled at me. Best. Night. Ever.

*Are rabbits technically livestock? They're not exactly farm animals, but they were at the fair.

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