Coveting: Rugs

Now that I am finished shopping for a house, it is time to start shopping for things to go in a house. One of the first items on my list is an area rug for the living room. I'm hesitant to select a paint color until I have the rug picked out. It's such a large part of the room and can really set the color scheme.

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'There's no color in those rugs! What color scheme?' Well, my dear readers, I'll tell you. I want to paint the living room walls gray, but I don't know if I want a warm gray or a cool gray. I would hate to pick a wall color then fall in love with a rug that clashes. I am trying to find a rug on the cheap, so my options are already limited enough.

I really wanted a rug with yellow accents (maybe a yellow stripe or zig-zag?) but couldn't find one I like. Any hints?

Sources, left to right: Top Row - Overstock, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Home Decorators Collection Middle Row - West Elm, Overstock, Crate & Barrel Bottom Row - Ikea, Macy's, Home Decorators Collection


  1. I really love the first rug! I'm a big fan of the black and white rugs and the cool gray sounds like it would be awesome! I like the idea of yellow accents but also love a teal with black, white and grey :) Good luck with the shopping and I hope to see some pictures of the house!

  2. I like the second one on the second row. The pattern is interesting without being distracting!
    Also the third one on the second row and the second one on the third row.

    Any help?

  3. I like the first one, and the houndstooth one (because i basically love all things houndstooth & it can't be stopped) & the one from macy's on the bottom. all solid choices.

  4. my vote is for either the 2nd or 3rd one on the second row. both are really cool and i think have personalities without being too busy.

    just my two cents..

  5. these are all great! my advice is to be careful with cheap wool rugs... they will shed and potentially ruin your life and your vacuum! i love all these, have probably debated many of them myself. but after purchasing one "inexpensive" wool rug, we had to return it. we're sticking with a really cheap $30 cotton thing from IKEA until we can afford the real deal ($1200 for a rug hurts me). just check for reviews... $400 is still a lot of money, but "cheap" for a rug, and often means poor quality unfortunately. just my two cents. great start for your new home, though... :)

  6. I hadn't thought of the quality issue. Thanks for the tip!


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