Coveting: Bridal Skirt

I am already married. I plan to stay married to my fella for a very, very long time. I have NO NEED for bridal wear, yet I inexplicably want to buy this for myself:

Yes - I want to buy this fluffy, fantastical, hugely impractical ballskirt and prance around my apartment. Is this the most practical ensemble for doing the dishes? No. Do I have $750 laying around on which to spend on said skirt? No.



  1. Love that!

    I'll get married in that and let you have it! ;)

  2. ha! Nice... would of gone well in Vegas as well ;) I'm sorry to say i'm going for clean and simple. Make Rachel get it! hehe

  3. Also married, also can't stop looking at beautiful wedding things and wanting to buy them.


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