Wearing: Wardrobe Re-Fashioning Pledge

I have taken the pledge for Wardrobe Re-Fashioning, starting tomorrow. The rules are simple:

- I won't buy new items of clothing for 4 months (certain items, like shoes and undies, are exempt)
- If I need new clothing I will repurpose something existing, purpose a vintage or handmade garment (so I can still shop on Etsy!) or create something myself.

So my first project is my new (to me) trench coat I found at Revolver. I wasn't even planning on buying anything, but when I saw this powder-blue Anne Klein beauty for only $34 I couldn't resist! The sleeves are a little long and it's boxy - it could use a few darts - but that's nothing a sewing session with my fellow pledgees can't fix. Granted this is the before picture, more to come!

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