Making: Chelsea + Eric's Invitations

I finally got a chance to finish Chelsea's wedding invitations! This is the sample I printed for her final approval, and if she likes them we will get started on production... 1 down, 99 to go. The tree artwork was privided by my friend (and fellow Etsyan) Kermit. For more of his work, see his blog Drawn Along. (Please forgive the yellow glow. No, I don't live by candlelight - my task lamp has a very yellow bulb.)


  1. YAY!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! What I can see so far! I can't wait to see one in person! SOOO MANY THANKS!!! :) :) :) :) I might be a little bias but I think these are the BEST looking wedding invitations! haha!

  2. Ohh I also LOVE the response cards! LOVE LOVE how you did the tree in the background :)


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